Brad Fitt Will Be Mine official movie poster: Dani Swan, Marc Petzke & Shailla Quadra. Photo by Romualdo Nubla. Poster Designed by Nei Guanlao
Come and watch Brad Fitt Will Be Mine screening alongside some of the best worl wide film selection at the Columbia George International Film Festival 2012 happening this week in Vancouver/WA USA!
The festival will take place from the 15th till the 18th of August 2012, in various locations in Vancouver, including: Angst Art Gallery, Brickhouse, Kiggins Theater, Popculture, Torque Coffee, Vancouver Community Library.
The Festival also have many other cultural events including screenwriting workshops, Q&A with the renowed filmmakers, after party events, and much more! Lots of fun, learnings and inspiration!
“Brad Fitt Will Be Mine” is in the selection for the friday program! Arrive early and guarantee your seats!
Check out the entire festival program and watch some amazing gems of the world at this amazing event which truly supports filmmakers and the community!
Full details at the festival official website:
Big Thank You to the CGIFF for making all this happen!!!!
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